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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Spotlight Saturday: Mike Salt

Welcome to Kira Adams' Spotlight Saturday! Every week I will be featuring a different author in the industry. Indie, trad, small press, etc. The point is to help get the word out about new-to-you authors and books they are releasing. Maybe you will find your next favorite author. Maybe you will find a story that will touch your soul. Whatever the case may be, thank you for being here. 

This weeks featured author is Mike Salt!

1. What inspired you to write Damned to Hell?

The birth of my first son. I was immediately afraid of my life without him, and that slowly morphed into the story as it is.

2. What has been your biggest accomplishment since publishing?

I've had 2 novels break the top 100 in occult fiction on Amazon and I won the 2018 inkshares horror competition.

3. Do you have anything else in the works apart from your book/series?

I'm literally working on 7 different stories at the moment.

4. What advice do you have for aspiring authors?

Write every bloody day. Doesn't matter. Get an hour with of work in and move on. You'll find it easier each time you sit down.

5. What advice do you have about marketing and promotion?

Don't slack on your social media. I attribute 80 percent of my sales through Instagram.

6. Are you a pantser or a plotter?

Pantser 100%.

7. Are you traditionally published or indie?

Both. My most recent novella was published by Bloodrites Publishing and I've been thrilled with the process so far.

8. How many books have you written?

3 published and a 4th that I pulled from Inkshares Publishing back in 2020. Still haven't released that one yet.

9. What is your favorite genre and/or trope to write in?

Horror. I really don't care what kind of horror, but it will be have a sprinkling of horror at some point.

10. Where is your favorite place to write?

Outside. I feel writing on my porch, when it's night, my best work comes through.

The House on Harlan released September 1st, 2021.

"When reluctant sellout Alex and his family move to Harlan Drive, they soon discover that their idyllic suburban house is not the safe haven it first seems. In fact, there’s nothing safe about The House On Harlan at all…

In this thrilling new novella from Mike Salt, author of The Valley and Damned to Hell, you are invited to step inside the House on Harlan – a house where the things that go bump in the night come out in force. A house that is hungry for blood. A house that will haunt you.

A house with a little black door in the cellar…

A door that opens both ways. And, as Alex is about to find out, the things that come through aren’t all there is to fear in this house. No, the real danger is waiting for him on the other side…"

Blood Rites Horror is proud to kick off the countdown to Halloween with a brand-new novella from Mike Salt. The House On Harlan is a thrilling masterpiece in horror that takes some truly unexpected and subgenre-hopping turns and develops an entirely new layer of Salt's growing literary universe. A family-centred story with tonnes of heart, even more blood, and a shocking new take on some of our favourite folklores, this is one you won't want to miss.

Pick-up your copy here:

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